Comments on: How to Drop A Primary Key in Microsoft SQL Server Towards Intelligent Systems Wed, 11 Jul 2012 12:59:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Generation 5 » Dropping Unique Constraints in SQL Server Generation 5 » Dropping Unique Constraints in SQL Server Thu, 26 Jun 2008 19:12:15 +0000 [...] the spirit of “How To Drop A Primary Key in SQL Server“,  here’s a stored procedure that queries the data dictionary to find the names of any [...] [...] the spirit of “How To Drop A Primary Key in SQL Server“,  here’s a stored procedure that queries the data dictionary to find the names of any [...]

By: admin admin Mon, 09 Jun 2008 14:23:34 +0000 Thanks Adrian! I tested this and then updated the script. It's nice to see what a wealth of information is in the system catalog tables. Thanks Adrian! I tested this and then updated the script. It’s nice to see what a wealth of information is in the system catalog tables.

By: Adrian Banks Adrian Banks Sun, 08 Jun 2008 23:15:17 +0000 A better query to find the primary key for the table would be: SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE [xtype] = 'PK' AND [parent_obj] = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[' + @tableName + ']') This doesn't rely on a naming convention of primary keys' names starting with PK, but instead uses SQL Server's own data on whether the index is a primary key. A better query to find the primary key for the table would be:

SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE [xtype] = ‘PK’ AND [parent_obj] = OBJECT_ID(N’[dbo].[' + @tableName + ']‘)

This doesn’t rely on a naming convention of primary keys’ names starting with PK, but instead uses SQL Server’s own data on whether the index is a primary key.


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